Nel Brooks Artist
Photo of Nel Brooks, Artist
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Ben Ventham

Portrait picture of Veteran Ben Ventham Portrait picture of Veteran Ben Ventham

Royal Navy - Petty Officer, Mechanic, Landing Craft Flotilla (1941-1946) then 11 years as Sergeant Major, 14th Parachute Regiment

Ben was definitely a glutton for punishment! He began his Naval career as part of the Mobile Base Maintenance Unit that operated in a landing craft flotilla. Ben was a Mechanic and served as a Petty Officer. He took part in the Normandy Landings on D-+2 and was ferrying men and machinery back and forth to England.

In November 1944, Ben was taken to Bombay, India. He then went on to Mandapan, then Ceylon (now Thailand). On his return he came back on HMS Aktones.

He left the Navy in 1946 only to go and join the 14th Parachute Regiment. He was then serving with them for the next 11 years as Sergeant Major.

In Ben's Portrait (on the left) you can see a humorous incident from Ben's past where he gets stuck in a tree on one of his jumps!

Nel has included both the Royal Navy white ensign and the Parachute Regiment insignia in Ben's Portrait as both important pieces of Ben's history.

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